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Tel: 713-622-0700



​​2124 Welch Street

Houston, Texas  77019





Oil & Gas Law
General Business Law
Civil Litigation
Contract Law
Tax Law


The Firm

Established in 1987, Lawrence F. Labanowski & Associates serves clients throughout Texas and other states. Our clients include Fortune 500 corporations, as well as small entrepreneurial companies and individuals.





Founded in Houston in 1987, Lawrence F. Labanowski & Associates has earned a reputation of providing its clients with the highest quality and most cost effective services in an atmoshpere that focuses on hard work and responsiveness.  


Our law firm represents oil and gas producers, operators, landowners, and other parties in a broad range of oil and gas law matters, including litigation, contracts, transactions, regulatory matters, and environmental concerns.


In addition to oil and gas law, we represent clients in other legal areas, including general business law, civil litigation, federal tax matters, state tax matters, including property tax, tort and contract litigation, and appeals of civil matters.  


Our experience allows us to serve clients with multiple and overlapping concerns.  Whatever legal matter you face, our lawyers can provide you with the knowledgeable guidance and strong advocacy you need. 


Our primary goal is to provide our clients with efficient legal representation, utilizing our experience and hard work coupled with a thorough understanding of our clients' needs.  

This website has been prepared by Lawrence F. Labanowski & Associates for informational purposes only.  The information contained herein is not legal advice, and recipients of content from this site, clients or otherwise, should not rely on the information contained herein without seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice.  Viewing this site or communicating with Lawrence F. Labanowski & Associates via email, through this site or otherwise, does not constitute an attorney-client relationship between Lawrence F. Labanowski & Associates and any person or entity.  Confidential information should not be sent to the firm without the prior approval of the firm, and the content of any correspondence sent via the internet will not be considered or maintained as confidential unless such approval is obtained.  

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